Tiny Hinges Swing Big Doors
In order to understand how this is done, you have to understand one very simple principle: losses in productivity and progress are not lost (or gained) in big, obvious blocks of time. The silent killer is the culmination of a multitude of tiny, seemingly insignificant “leaks” of minutes and progress over an extended period.
The “Latte Factor”
Author David Bach explained this phenomenon as it pertains to retiring rich in his book, “The Automatic Millionaire.” He calls it the “latte factor,” and it can be the difference between retiring financially independent or broke. Here’s how it works…
Let’s suppose you spend $7 a day for your fancy cup of coffee at Starbucks along with something to eat. On the surface, this seems like a very small, harmless expense. However, add that up over 30 years and if you had invested that money instead of spending it, you would end up with over $1.2 million dollars in your pocket. But here’s where it gets significant…
MOST of the people who are spending $7 a day on trivial items are NOT investing ANYTHING into retirement. Why? Because they don’t understand the principle of the latte factor; because it’s such a small amount of money, they don’t think it would make any difference if they invested it—classic short term thinking. These are the people who end up working under the “golden arches” in their golden years because they can’t live off their meager savings. So what does this have to do with giving you 3 1/4 days of your life back?
How 6 Minutes Turns Into 3 Days
The same “latte factor” applies to tiny losses in time. Let’s say you lose 6 minutes a day in a 5-day workweek to computer problems, dealing with spam e-mails, slowness or other technical issues. Spread over a day it’s only a few seconds here or a minute or two there. On the surface, this seems insignificant and completely harmless.
However, you add that up over a year and it comes out to 26 HOURS of lost time, not to mention the aggravation of dealing with these issues.
Yet when we talk to most business owners about preventative maintenance to significantly REDUCE downtime, problems, slowness or hang time, they aren’t interested. Like the folks spending $7 a day, they think that time improvement in performance really won’t translate into more profits or revenue for their business.
Stop The Slow Leak
An ill-maintained network is far more susceptible to viruses, hackers, spyware, data loss, hardware failure and other malicious threats. Minute by minute, all of these issues waste your time.
To prevent this “slow leak” from impacting your bottom line, check out these 3 tips:
1. Keep Your Virus Protection Up-To-Date. New threats are released every day so staying on top of this maintenance is critical.
2. Update Windows. Hotfixes, patches, & security features prevent system crashes and slowness.
3. Get New “Firm ware”. Firmware is the updated software for your firewall. It protects you from the latest hacker invasions and other online threats.
“Hassle-Free Computer Support”
Our latest book (free while supplies last) reveals what you need to know to prevent computer issues from stealing your time and money. Don’t let another minute go by.
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