Tuesday, December 1, 2009

3 Time-Saving Reasons To Use Windows 7

Just recently, Microsoft released their new operating system, Windows 7, and many business owners want to know if they should upgrade. To help determine why you might upgrade, here are three reasons Windows 7 can add a little productivity to your day.

Reason #1– Viewing Two Documents Is a Snap

If you’ve ever tried to set up two windows on your screen so you could easily view them both at the same time (working on one and referencing the other or comparing two sheets), then this feature could easily save you 10 minutes a week. Instead of having to drag each window around, manipulate the size and shape of the window, and line up the other document to match, the “snap” feature allows you to split the screen exactly in the middle and display two documents at once with just one click.

Reason #2– It Just Runs Faster

Compared to its more resource-intense predecessor, Vista, Windows 7 is fairly light in terms of what it needs to run. As you click through things on a computer with Windows 7, you’ll notice that it responds quickly and opens programs up more rapidly. It also starts up faster, saving you lots of productivity time.

Reason #3–You Can Give It A Good “Shake”

Another time-saving feature included with Windows 7 is the “shake.” It’s the ability to completely clear your screen of all the programs and clutter you may have collected by simply vigorously shaking your mouse.

Find Out If Windows 7 is Right For You…

FREE Windows 7 Compatibility Audit ($197 Value)
Call 508-992-2541 or e-mail

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